Wednesday, May 16, 2018

We're Hot in Trivia & Weather!

We won again! This is either the third or fourth in a row! To be honest, one of those earlier times was a tie with a four-man team from W&L. After five runoff questions, it was declared a tie. Last evening we only missed five questions and won by two over about a dozen teams.

This time we did it with two subs (very good subs I might add) and only five team members instead of the six maximum we are allowed. It seems we always have the right kind of mix.
The folks from Seven Arrows Brewery in Waynesboro are behind us. We won t-shirts from them as well as some empty growlers!

Today was not as hot, but it was more humid. It's supposed to get worse humidity-wise all week and into the weekend.

The robins are shaking the nest! I expect take-off shortly!

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