Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Afib Hookup and a New Phone

I had my doctor appointment to have me hooked up for 30 days to a monitor to see if my AFib or AFlutter has come back. It didn't take very long - 10 minutes to be exact. It is cumbersome putting clothes on and off.

The smartphone is carried in the pocket while the pendant is hooked to my belt. It has three leads that are attached to my chest area. I'm only supposed to change the lead stickers on my body every other day. That means sponge baths in between. I don't think so.

My replacement phone has been shipped. I hope it is better than my current one. Frustrating.

Nothing really new on the Robin Watch, but she was out today so we took a picture.

She's probably resting for when she will have to put up with the new brood - all four of them.

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