Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Stonewall and Elvis

A picture from last evening's Staff Recognition Dinner for the Stonewall Jackson House.

It was great fun. Scott and Barbara, who I have worked shifts with at the SJH, are also team members on the Deeds Alone Trivia Team as well as members of the Books & Brews Reading Group. There are several others from the SJH that share one or both memberships as well. Barbara volunteers with me at the local library. 

As you can see, I am not posting daily anymore. I have decided that I will post when I have something to say or report. I was stressing out trying to keep up with a daily post. If it works out that I have something to say, then I will; otherwise, you will see sporadic posts.

That is all; Elvis has left the building!

1 comment:

  1. You don't need the stress. I would suggest a good single-malt if it becomes overbearing.
