Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thursday Heat Wave

I don't like the heat. And today I had to wear the heart monitor all day. The temperature went above 90 sometime this afternoon. I do not like the heat.

I finished the book for next week's book group meeting. The last 20 pages let me down. I am going to read them again this weekend and look over the discussion questions this month's leader sent out, but I don't think I will change my mind. I was going to give 4 pints (of beer), but instead, I'll go with 3. And that is because I enjoyed the writing.

Nothing new on the Robin Watch. Lisa was able to water the flowers - including the robin's; she flew up on the neighboring roof and watched until Lisa was done.

My new phone came today and FedEx brought it to the door, but the Robin didn't move. Neither did it when I went out to retrieve it. (BTW, the phone is set up and working well.)

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