Later in the afternoon, my wife had a doctor appointment to discuss why she hasn't been able to smell or taste for about six months. She is scheduled for a CT scan next week.
This morning I went for my annual renal torso ultrasound for my belly/kidney area to check for any appearance of the cancer I had in my bladder several years ago. So far, so good. I'll know in a few days, but I have an appointment with my urologist next week to discuss things.
Friday I have to return to the local hospital for another scan or ultrasound - I'm not sure - to look at my lower right leg where the bee stung me last week. My foot and ankle swelled up this weekend and my doctor put me on 3-days of Prednisone and ordered the scan to check for blood clots. Interesting I have to wait for this for three days. Oh, I forgot to mention I went to see him yesterday about this.
Between medical appointments, we're looking at new places. We had one locally yesterday, and tomorrow we had three in the Staunton/Fishersville area. Hopefully, by the end of the week, we should have it sorted out.