Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Robins and Geese and Deer, Oh My!

Well, the rain finally left us after almost two days and the sun came out. The robin went out foraging for food so we took the opportunity to sneak a picture of the nest - there are FOUR EGGs! She was waiting on the fence just after we took the picture, and went right back to the nest!

ON my walk this morning in the mist/shower, I passed some deer but didn't want to take my phone out in the rain. Besides, I was wearing cotton gloves and would have had to take them off to handle the phone/camera. Even though it was 55 degrees out, with the rain it felt cooler and my hands get cold very easy.

I also encountered two geese, a couple most likely. They were walking in the field close to the road, and as I passed them, they were squawking like mad. Actually, it was the male goose I think. It looked like they were hunting for something. I made up a story that Mama Goose had lost her nest and Daddy Goose was berating her. It sounded good.

On my next trip around, I realized that they were just upset with me walking on the road near them - even though I had crossed to the other side.

I liked my earlier story better. 

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