Sunday, April 22, 2018

A Robin's Egg

Our Robin has laid an egg! Just one, mind you, but it's here. It took her the greater part of the day, then she flew away in the late afternoon.

We'll see what happens tomorrow. Usually, it takes up to two weeks to hatch and then another four weeks to leave the nest. 

Spent a greater part of the day cleaning up my loft: sorting papers, filing, putting books away, sorting books to stay and leave (hardest part of day), and getting rid of old magazines. It looks better, but I'm still not done. I am going to Wal-Mart today to buy a plastic file box. I have filled my first one.

I was reading our weekly paper last evening and saw that a teacher I volunteered for back in 2012 was selected to be a principal at one of our local schools. I only helped her one year in math and then she transferred to another elementary school. Since then, she has been working and getting more experience and schooling. She will make an outstanding principal. She has a way with children.

Beautiful day today; I will try to get a walk in along with some chores. I have to go to the library this afternoon to babysit the daily book sale shelves for a friend; I'll check to see if Hillary is still facing out.

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