Saturday, April 21, 2018

Return to the Jackson House

Friday was my return to volunteer at the Stonewall Jackson House. It reopened this past Sunday, but I didn't have to work until yesterday. We weren't very busy, what visitors we did get were mainly VMI related. The college was having what it calls Reunion Weekend when many classes return on one weekend.

While I was working the gift shop, several interesting things happened. The construction crew that this digging on our not-yet-opened-and-the-reason-for-the-delayed-opening brought in a broken teacup they found. One of the directors is going to research it. It doesn't appear to be connected to Jackson, but one never knows.

One of my first visitors yesterday afternoon was a young couple from Lynchburg, just over the mountains. They were in town celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary. After their tour, they asked for dining recommendations. For their anniversary, which is actually today, I recommended Zynodoa's in Staunton. It is fabulous; very much like the NYC restaurants we used to eat at when we lived in New Jersey and went into the city.

Thirty minutes later, two ladies stopped in for a tour, but they were between tour times. They were traveling from Florida to Massachussets and had to be in Staunton for a special dinner that evening. As one of them said, "We're eating in the best restaurant we have ever found", and I promptly said. "Zynodoa's, right?". They were flabbergasted that I said it, but It was. Small world.

Finally, as I was talking to one of the tour docents, a young woman who recently graduated from nearby W&L, somehow the discussion turned to ghosts. She told me of a one called The Ghost of Payne Hall. It seems there has been spotted in the English building a Civil War soldier in the evening after classes. He brandishes his sword to the male professors, but only tips his hat to the female professors, hence only the female professors work after-hours in the evening. Go figure! I'll do some research on this and post an update.

Finally, an update on our robin; she didn't show up and do any more work yesterday; she had done this the day before;

but she is here this morning. I'll have another picture tomorrow.

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