Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Bell Labs Redux

My 3 February post was about my high trip to Bell Labs in New Jersey. I got some of it wrong. I flew United Airlines, not American. And I was a senior and went in April, just before graduation. I could have sworn I did it in either my sophomore or junior year.

Besides the boarding pass inside which clearly showed the April 11, 1962 date - two days before my 18th birthday - and a picture postcard of Bell Labs, it also had listed telephone numbers of the various reservation centers in the U.S. 

Back then in 1962 we must have still had names for the different exchanges. I don't remember when it changed to all numbers. I still remember my family's home number: BAldwin 2-6419. Before Area Codes even.

We got our T-shirts for winning Trivia Nite when it was sponsored by Studio Brewery in Bristol, VA. As a rule, I don't like a tee with anything on the back, but this one feels OK.

No new photos on the Robin front. Both the Mom and the Dad have been taking turns sitting on them, and it's been raining all day. We're very careful to even open the sliding kitchen door for some air since this has scared the birds once.

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