Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Lost Friday

Yesterday kind of got away from me. I had some chores to do in the morning and then volunteering at the museum all afternoon. When I came home I was too tired to go up to the loft; I said to myself that I would go up after dinner, but of course, that didn't happen. So, in the end, no blog.

On the Robin Front, Daddy Robin showed up with some food for Mommy and some overall support since she is mainly "bed-bound" for the most part. We still think she has only four eggs, but haven't been able to get close for a look-see.

It's hard to see her in the above picture, but this next one shows her better; she has actually turned around from her normal position - I guess so that Daddy could give her the food.

I am reading four books currently, but one I have only gotten into about ten pages. That's normal when I add books to my current reading. With four, I try to alternate days with two each day. Sometimes it doesn't work if I have a deadline on a particular book, as for a book review for the Jackson House, or a library book that is coming up for return. Currently, one has a deadline - it is our book group selection for May 8 and I have plenty of time.

An artificial deadline is the end of the month. I count how many books I read each month. So naturally, I am pushing a little to finish a couple.

Speaking of books, I am making a little progress in cleaning out my library. Each day I try to segregate what books I want to give away or donate. I feel like I am making progress, but when I wake in the middle of the night for a bathroom break, before I can go to sleep I lay awake thinking of the impossibility of the task.

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