Monday, March 12, 2018

The Last Groundhog Day Weather

Today it is snowing. So far this season, we have been very lucky. While the Northeastern part of the country has received two Nor’easters in the past ten days, and this one is again threatening the east coast, we have avoided them.

This one we didn’t. it’s coming up from the west-southwest. It’s a heavy snow/rain mix. And it’s been very slow in arriving. The forecasters have been pushing it back from the original Sunday morning.

Fortunately, the ground has been warm so the roads have stayed clear so far. If it doesn’t freeze overnight too much, then the warmer weather tomorrow will help dry things off. It’s supposed to stop today. I have to go out tomorrow.

Tomorrow I have our monthly book group, Books & Brews, meeting at a local brewpub. I am leading the discussion since it is my book, “Flatland”, by Edwin A. Abbott. It was written in 1884.

I already know it will not be universally popular. It is part a mathematical journey into geometry and other dimensions and part social satire on Victorian social mores of the time.

It’s interesting that as I get older, I dislike driving in bad weather, rain or snow. I also don’t like driving at night; whereas when I was young I loved to drive at night.

Another reason that growing old sucks.

(Trebuchet 12)

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