Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Farewell to Flatland

Well, today is our book group meeting where we will discuss "Flatland" by Edwin A. Abbott, written in 1884. 

It's the book I chose so I will lead the discussion. I have delusions to think that it will be overwhelmingly popular. But that's okay. I've talked about it enough in earlier posts so I will not repeat myself today.

I do hope that I have introduced folks to readings from other times though. This is the second book I chose on my own (I shared December's with another group member), and both have been written over 100 years ago. 

The first was "Four Feathers" by A.E.W. Mason, written in 1902. It is a classic war story and was made into 3 or 4 films over the years.

If I could I would choose next "The Moonstone" by Wilkie Collins, written in 1868. It supposedly began the detective story genre. But it is very long - over 500 pages in paperback.

Do you notice another commonality in my choices? Yes, they were all written by English writers.

(Arial Normal) 

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