Friday, March 23, 2018

Bunnies & Puppies & Lions, Oh My!

Something lighter today I think is due. Yesterday, when we went shopping at the local Wal-Mart we spotted some interesting cakes in the bakery section. Obviously, too many calories for either of us, they were still cute.

The bunny looked so “Eastery” I was very tempted, but I didn’t give in. I bet it was a devil’s food chocolate.

The little puppy was so cute. Too bad I didn’t see him today. It’s National Puppy Day, isn’t it?

And what can you say about the lion? Nothing except that I didn’t and still don’t think it looks much like a lion. It reminds me of that commercial where the parents put a fake mane ordered from Amazon on the family dog to make the baby happy.

Library volunteering is scheduled for this afternoon.

Snow is forecasted again for this weekend; another 3-6 inches. We’ll see.

(Comic Sans MS 12)

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