Monday, May 20, 2024

Reading Update

I've made some changes to my reading. A few days ago I began reading a spy novel by Anthony Price, a favorite of mine. He wrote during the 1970s and '80s. The stories usually involved Cold War intrigue between Britain and the Russians, sometimes a mid-East nation. The central character was almost always a British agent named David Audley, a civilian with serious credentials of historical expertise in British history. 

The current book I'm reading is "War Game" and involves recently recovered gold from about the 1640s and Oliver Cromwell and the King. It has rekindled my interest in English History which I majored in at college.

I have decided to add another book to my current reading. It is one of three by the author C.V. Wedgwood. It's called The King's Peace 1637-41.

Reading the history book will be somewhat tricky because I am also reading Peter Ackroyd's first volume of his history of England, titled "Foundation". 

The 300-year difference between the two books requires me to adjust my concentration, but it's interesting to jump between the two time periods. Add to these books the spy story about lost gold round during the present day - 1970's - and I feel a lot like Michael J. Fox in the "Back to the Future" series!

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