Friday, May 3, 2024

A Good Day

 It was a good in that I was able to finish my putting my Vietnam photos into a special small album that I can keep on my desk.

The rubber band is only for extra protection to keep the photos inside. The motto Animo et Fide is Latin for "Love and Faith". This was the motto of the unit - 7th Squadron, 1st Air Cavalry. I was initially assigned as the troop/company commander of D Troop. It was called Powder Valley for the radio call sign.

I may have others but these represent the bulk of my memories. I was there from January 4, 1969, to December 23, 1969. I got a week or so drop because of Christmas.

Other than that, I didn't do much. I did talk to Barbara, a good friend from the Jackson House, who volunteered with me. She still does. We also volunteered at the Lexington Library which she also still does. She and her husband, Scott, have been friends since we came to Virginia in 2010.

I didn't get to read today so hopefully can do so later.

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