Saturday, April 20, 2024

Road Trip

 We went to PA (actually Hagerstown, MD) to visit Summer for her 10th birthday. We met them at Ready, Set, Play. It's an arcade where children can play on slides and climbs, as well as arcade games that can earn tokens for prizes at the end of the visit. We did this last year and Summer enjoyed it a lot. This is an alternative to visiting at Sabrina's home that has 19 outside steps which I can't navigate anymore.

Summer is on her left. On the right is Aria, one of her very best friends from almost at birth. She doesn't get to see her very much anymore. Aria was very sickly as a child and was very much smaller than Summer. As you can see she grew!

Lisa also saw Serenity and played with her for a little while. Serenity turned 2 years old last November. 

All in all, it was a good visit though both of us are very tired; Lisa because she did all the driving, and me because I slept very little last night.

We ate some snacks and a slice of pizza while we were there. For dinner, we're having a small pizza!

Tomorrow I need to catch up on my English Premier League football (soccer) and golf. And try to sort through my writing folder.

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