Friday, April 12, 2024

A New Hobby Redeux?

 A couple of days ago - Wednesday, in fact - I mentioned that I would try to make an origami figure. Well, I haven't yet. But I have thought of ANOTHER hobby to start - writing a novel!

I have tried to write one before, always with the intention of writing the Great American Novel. But it has always fallen short. This time I am writing with a difference. It is completely for enjoyment, not for money. I've thought of several different genres but always worried about whether it is good enough to sell. I realize now that I don't have the writing ability to develop fiction well enough to make a book. So I am going to write for myself.

It won't be part of this blog. I might make another blog for it. Or I could keep it private and let it be a Word document. I already have a few Word documents that are notes, first chapters, and miscellaneous jottings to work from. I will start from there. Regardless, I think I will give it a try.

Tomorrow is coming closer.

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