Saturday, April 6, 2024

Going the Distance

 I will be 80 in one more week. Next Saturday. I've been reading George Sheehan's book Going the Distance which he wrote just before he died in 1993 of prostate cancer. His family published it in 1996. I bought it at that time. I had always been a fan of his - his writing especially. 

I have several of his books. I went to listen to him give a presentation in 1978 the day before I ran my first real race, the Kansas City Half-Marathon, in - you guessed it - Kansas City, MO.

All of his books are at least partly about running but are also about philosophy. This one is more so since it is about him as he dies of prostate cancer. I thought it would be an appropriate book to read as I approach my birthday. He was 74 when he died. One of the reasons I wanted to read it was to see if I could discover the real reason I stopped running - and then walking - and have essentially settled into a very sedentary lifestyle which is not healthy.

More later...

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