Friday, February 1, 2019

February Pre-Groundhog Day

We have just gone through a cold snap here while other parts of the country have had it much worse. In a day or two, it will be close to sixty degrees. I can get back to walking outside.

It's been just over a week now and I have been giving Allie her insulin shots most of the time. That's because my wife went up to be with our youngest daughter for an operation today. I had to practice before she left yesterday. She will return Sunday and I have already told her that she will do them for a while.

I finished reading the Wine & War book that is a book club selection. I was very pleased with it. I am now reading May's selection, "Life After Life" because it is over 525 pages and I have other books to read as well. I just past page 200.

Tomorrow is my brother's birthday. I will Skype him as normal on Sunday.

Let's hope I can do a better job this month in blogging than I did in January.

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