Thursday, January 24, 2019

Another Diabetic

Today we took our cat, Allie, to the vet. She had been drinking and urinating quite a bit lately. She also looked like she was losing weight. When I cleaned the litter box, it was mostly urine, not poop.

It turns out she is diabetic and will need shots twice a day. We started this evening. Though we did this before, she presents more problems. She doesn't like any particular food which our other cat, Fluffy, adored. When he knew he was going to get his wet food, he just sat for the needle and then jumped for his dinner. Not so Allie.

Right now, we have to give her one unit of insulin two times a day. Eventually, it will be two units each time. My major concern is that in a week, Lisa will be going up to PA to be with our youngest as she has an operation. I will have to take care of Allie for about three days.

It's not that I haven't done it - I did it with Fluffy about 20 years ago. But I was 20 years younger.

Anyhow, that's the way today went.

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