Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Reading Challenges for This Year

I am a slow reader. And I like to read more than one book at a time. This presents a problem for this year.

The book club I belong to - Books & Brews - has selected several books for this year which are over 400 pages long. For me, that is a reading challenge of the nth degree. 

To add to that challenge, I had already decided to to take on at least one concentrated area of study for the year - Climate Change and Global Warming. I've already begun to work on my reading list.

The realities are that I have only three books left in the book club this year that are fiction, two of which are very large. That means the rest - six - are nonfiction and three of those are substantial in size.

What does this all mean? Well, for starters, it means I will be spending most of my time reading books that pertain to the book club except for those that I can legitimately think will apply to climate change. We'll see.

I've begun. The first four books are:

  • Wine & War - it's about theFrench saving its wine during WW2 from the Germans. So far, it's been an interesting read.
  • Life After Life - Though it's not due to be discussed until May, it is a very large fiction and complicated since it goes back and forth in time.
  • The Little Ice Age - about the severe cold weather changes from 1300-1850.
  • Pale Rider - about the Spanish Influenza of 1918-19.
More about my plan later.

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