Saturday, January 5, 2019

Book Club Returns

The book club I am a member of meets for the first time this coming Tuesday. It's called Books & Brews because we meet in the Brew Ridge Taps pub in Lexington. This will be our third year. We began with 8 people and now have 19. Along the way, we added a few and dropped one or two. We're probably at the right size now.

This month's book is "Dead Wake" by Erik Larson. He is a favorite author since we have already read two other of his books.

One of the problems of meeting at the pub is the seating. It's difficult to get everyone seated around the tables so that we can hear easily. We're fighting for hearing volume with everything else going on in the pub. If the normal 12-14 show up, then it isn't too bad and we can work around things.

This year I have two books I am leading the discussion on and three other persons are as well. That leaves only three other persons to present books since we only meet monthly except for December. The breakout is seven nonfiction and four fiction. These were chosen from a list of 13 fiction and 10 nonfiction. Go figure.

More on the club later...

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