I’m doing a writing exercise today instead of my normal writing. The exercise is to write an opening line for a story. I haven’t tried it before but decided to give it a whirl. Here goes…
“As he opened the door, the faint odor of blood came sickeningly to his nose.”
“I knew that no matter what I said to the police was going to help me since they caught me holding the revolver, though in truth it was not as it looked.”
“The road and land opened up once we crested the mountaintop and I was able to let the Jaguar accelerate quickly above the speed limit, knowing the police would do the same in the same place only seconds later.”
“I heard someone explain that heaven allows you to keep watching over someone even after you die, but gives you a better view.”
“The woman was excited as the train pulled into the station and she was going to see him for the first time since he went to war, but she was trying to convince herself that the amputations didn’t mean a thing.”
“The dog knew something was wrong a long time before its master but wasn’t able to get him to understand the seriousness of it.”
“The comedy of the situation was immediately evident to both of them, though it would have been better if they had had their clothes on at the time the police arrived.”
“The house was burned completely to the ground only a few hours after the cease-fire began, but the reason had nothing to do about war but was very personal and was between friends since childhood.”
“Rutledge knew it was only a matter of time that he would have to answer the man in his head about the question that heretofore had not been asked, and when that time came he might have to use the war souvenir revolver he had tucked away for just that purpose.”
Well, not bad for the first try I guess. I guess practice will improve things…
(Cambria 13)
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