Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A Gun Survey

With so much in the news lately about gun control, I have several questions that I have not seen answered. Maybe this information is not important in the greater scheme of things, but I would like to know. Anyhow, if I could, here is a short survey I would do. It would be given to ONLY military veterans, NOT ACTIVE DUTY.

·         Did you serve in any of the military or naval branches of the United States?

·         How long did you serve?

·         What was your primary duty?

·         Were you issued a weapon? If “NO”, please skip the next two questions.   

·         If so, what was it?   

·         Did you ever use it in combat?

·         Do you own a weapon or weapons now?

·         If the previous question was “Yes”, do you own an assault rifle (aka AR-15 or similar)?

·         If the previous question was “No”, do you presently plan on purchasing one?

I would conduct a separate survey of active duty service personnel with slightly different worded questions. I think it would be interesting to see the results of these surveys, particularly the veterans’ survey, as compared to the nation as a whole. Of course, the only questions for the nation as a whole would be the last three questions.

I don’t know what I am going to do with this right now, but I thought I would get my thoughts down while they were fresh in my mind.

(Trebuchet MS 12)

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