Friday, January 5, 2018

Not Going Forward, But Revising

Another cold day today. The thermometer has not gone above 15 degrees all day, and it is expected to drop close to or just under zero tonight. Meanwhile, I have spent most of the day rearranging my reading list. A book I have had on hold for several months has finally become available. But it's still listed as a "new" book, meaning I can only get two weeks with it, and the chances of renewing it are slim. Anyhow, I went in and picked it up this afternoon, and was able to convince the librarian - it helps when one is a library volunteer and knows everyone - to give me an additional since no one had it on hold. The book, by the way, is "Dereliction of Duty", by H.R. McMaster.

          So today I have to adjust my reading list. I will finish the Inklings book on Sunday. I still have to read "1776" and "The Annotated Flatland" for upcoming book group selections. I have got into the "Thomas Jefferson Creme Brulee" book and being relatively short, I will keep it. The others that I mentioned earlier will be put on the "Next-to-Read" shelf.

          Oh, and I still have that paper from my ex-student to read this weekend. I owe him a reply. At least it's cold. Keeps me from wanting to go somewhere.

(font is Trebuchet normal size)

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