Friday, January 19, 2018

A Very Busy, Busy Day

          Today was a very busy day. I had a special tour to give at the Stonewall Jackson House. I give this one every year and look forward to it. I also am babysitting the daily book sale shelves at the local library for a friend of mine who is away this week. She is very particular about who she wants as a stand-in and the other person has been sick all week. So I had to step up. And I began the morning with an appointment to set up my colonoscopy. (It's now set for 8 February.)

          Consequently, this entry will be very short. And I will not get in any writing today. That's right; I try to write every day. Many days it is nothing more than my blog entry, but sometimes it is completely different. I try to fill one page and only one page. If I can write (read type) over half of a page then I consider it satisfactory. And on the other end, I try to keep it to only one page.

          So what did I not get done today? I didn't get my treadmill walk in at all. Neither did I get to do any weight exercises. The latter is important because I have yet to restart them. I also am staring stretching exercises. Anyhow, none of these got done today.

          I also did not get my required reading done. What is required reading? It's the reading every day of the books for the book group. I have two because one is for February and one is for March. The March book is my book, "Flatland", and I am the leader that month. I need to read some background material and develop some questions as well.

          The other thing that did not get done was completing my response to my ex-student about the paper he sent me. I owe him a very thoughtful and reasoned reply. I will try for this weekend.

(Georgia Normal Bold)

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