Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Another "Backaching" Day

          Well, the cocktail last night was only temporary...today has been a miserable day with respect to my back. It hurt worse getting up than it has for some time. I can't remember when it was this bad. Actually, I do. It was back in the summer when I was being treated for the thigh pain. Come to find out it was a compressed disk on a couple of nerves that ran through my leg. Now it seems to be back.

          I can see why people get addicted to pain meds that they take for bad backs, etc. So far, my Aleve has been working and I only have to take it about once a week when the pain gets too much. But I have taken it two days in a row this time. Only have Trivia Night this evening. I'll have a couple of beers.

          Wish me luck...

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