Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Borrowed Post

🙏    This post is actually borrowed from my brother and his blog (

This week I received an email from a cousin informing me that her older brother, David, had died. I have been trying to think of what to write about it this week. My brother Jerry has already done it. I can't do better than what he has said. With heartfelt thanks to him, here it is:

I was planning to update my gourd rattle project today when I received a message from my brother this morning. One of our cousins passed away last night from Covid-19. 

During the summers Dave and 2 his sisters would stay at our house for 2 weeks. Afterward Pop would take us all back to Ohio and my brother and I would spend 2 weeks at their house. They were always fun times, raiding my aunt's garden eating all the veggies, looking for water moccasins near the creek (I don't think they live in Ohio but it was fun to look for them). Dave was the person who taught my brother and me how to ride a bike. His wife has also tested positive for the virus. It was inevitable that the pandemic would become personal.

May you rest in peace Dave.🙏

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