Wednesday, June 6, 2018


I got my results back from the ultrasound on my lower leg where the bee stung me. Since it had swollen my doctor wanted to rule any blood clot. Since the swelling had gone done by the time the scan was done, I figured as much. At least I got a check on both legs (they did the left thigh for comparison)!

This morning I cleaned out my bathroom drawers and threw away all of the old powders, hotel shampoos, soaps, expired suntan lotions, and other things taking up space. Now it is ready to move.

Took the old littler box, with litter and furnace filters to the dump this morning.

Trying to read a library book "Educated", by Tara Westover; a memoir about her growing up in Idaho by a survivalist dad who believed in the End of Days and prepared for it. She goes on to Harvard, Cambridge, ends up with a Ph.D. after being only homeschooled until age 17. It's interesting, but not a fast read.

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