Sunday, June 10, 2018

Moving 2

Short post, have too much to do. Been busy all day working in the garage making room for boxes to move as well as selecting what could be sold at a yard sale. Not promising yet. The few large items we may put on a site that sells things like that. I forget the name, but our middle daughter suggested it.

Photos of the garage this morning:

I'll update as I can. 

I did spend yesterday attending the Jackson Symposium at VMI. It was very interesting. The ladies at the SJH did a fantastic job. My favorite presentation, though all were good, was about Jackson's books, given by Robert Krick (the senior). He talked about which ones he wrote in and where they were. 

The only thing I didn't like was a quote from someone (I forget who it was) that Krick said to be very suspicious of a man who hasn't read all his books. I told Professor Krick during a break that it described me. He laughed and said "Me too!"

The following inscription is in a bible that Jackson bought for his sister Laura. We have this bible under glass at the museum.

Well, back to work. I have a book group meeting Tuesday and need to look over the discussions one more time.

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