Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Twilight Zone

I've been videotaping episodes of Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone. I remember watching the show back in the early 60's on TV. Most of the episodes I watched were in black and white which matched the aura of strangeness the show displayed in its episodes. Many well-known or soon-to-be well-known actors played the main characters.

Two of my favorites involved my love of reading and my fear of flying. In "Time Enough at Last", Burgess Meredith played a man who worked in a bank, and during every lunch hour, he would seal himself inside the bank's vault to read instead of relaxing with his co-workers, which he really didn't like to do. 

One day as he came out of the bank vault, he saw that a nuclear bomb had hit the town and he was the only survivor. He was so happy that now he didn't have to spend his time talking to others. He could spend all of his time reading. And read outside at that. It ends as he is walking down large courthouse-like steps, his glasses fall off and he steps on them, breaking them. He can't read now.

The other episode, "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", William Shatner played a man just released from a sanitarium and is on his way home flying with his wife. Shortly after they are in the air, he looks out his window and sees a gremlin outside. 

He tries to convince everyone, without success, of what he saw. Since I haven't seen this episode again, I don't remember how it ends. I just know I have a fear of flying.

Leave it modern-day memes to come up with takeoffs.

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