Monday, June 1, 2020

A New Project

Last week, while video chatting with two of my ex-cadets, we were discussing who was the cadet regimental commander for various years. While we eventually filled all but one year, it gave me an idea that I began thinking more about after the call.

I have long kept a running paper list of all of the cadet regimental commanders at Xavier where I taught JROTC for 17 years. What's more, I have maintained contact with many of them through Facebook. In fact, three weeks ago I had a video call with my first cadet commander I had selected. He was the cadet leader for the school year 1987-1988. Now, he is fifty years old and has a family and lives in Oakland, CA.

After I had finished my more recent call with the two ex-cadets last week, I began to think about making a series of video calls to each of the cadet commanders, in sequential turn as much as possible, and ask them a series of questions. I would make a video recording of each call. Next, I would put them together and make a YouTube video of it.

I am compiling a list of questions I would ask each of them - all the same for consistently. I've asked my brother, Jerry, if this is even possible. He is very good at finding out if things like this are even possible.

We'll see.  

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