Tuesday, October 1, 2019

It's Not Over Until...

Well, I got the stitches out this morning. There is good news and bad news. The good news is that the incision is healing well; in fact, the nurse complimented me on how well I was able to keep both the stitches and the incision so moist like I was supposed to do. Most people don't do a very good job of it. I had a total of 15 stitches.

The bad news is that it is still covered. The nurse put on some glue on the incision and covered it with six flex-strips or other tapelike material. These have to stay on for two more weeks; but if they fall off after two days that is okay too.

She also said that a small amount of leakage is normal. By that, I am assuming she meant blood. I noticed I have a few drops on my T-shirt.

The most difficult thing to keep the scar as moist as possible. The nurse originally said to use petroleum jelly again. I told her I couldn't/didn't want to do that because then I would have had to wear a patch over it and that jelly would stain my shirt. She finally said I could use Gold Bond cream like I did for my biopsy.

Anyhow, I'll take it easy for a few days, then about Monday begin another set of exercises.


  1. looks like the caterpillar is losing it's legs.

  2. There's still some dissolvable stitches under the skin. The doctor said don't worry if I see some bluish-purple like wormy things coming to the surface later.
