Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Book Reviews

I've been thinking recently about writing book reviews; specifically, writing ones on books that I read. I find when I have read a book I rush to Goodreads to change the status from "Reading" to "Read", then give it a star (1-5) rating,  and then ensure that the reading starting and ending dates are correct, but then I stop. It asks if I want to write a review and always I opt-out. I don't want to take the time. I also don't want to try to write a review that tries to be as good as the ones I read on the site. Though I do remember writing one once  - can't remember the book - and it got a favorable comment.

I currently have three books, one fiction, and two nonfiction, currently waiting for a written review. All good books, but I haven't even started the first one yet. It's as if I don't want to take the time from my reading, to write about a good book that I enjoyed and let others know. So there they sit, on my desk, waiting to be looked at a final time before they each return to dusty confines of a bookshelf. Heaven forbid!

Ironically, I just am starting a re-read (as if I even have enough time to read the books I haven't read the first time!) and that is about...wait for it...BOOKSHELVES!

Nifty cover, right? It looks like a four-volume boxed set, but no it's just one hardback. The author is a very good one; I have his "The Pencil" and a few others. But I decided to add this to my current reading. "What am I reading?" you ask. Well, see for yourself.

Finally, as you can see, I have gotten away from writing any book reviews again... 

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