Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Habits and Routines

It's been almost three months since we have moved into our home in Stuarts Draft, about 35 miles NW of Lexington. In that time I have been continuing with my volunteering at the SJH and the Lexington Library. I drive down twice a week to do this. I will, however, be giving up on all my library activities except the monthly book club after next week. I have applied to volunteer at the Augusta County library, but so far though they have expressed a very enthusiastic response I have not heard from them.

I have also returned to my reading. Moving in July and getting things organized either slowed my reading down or for periods of time stopped it altogether. By last month I was back on track, completing a total of ten books. Admittedly, several of them were begun in either July or August, but what counts is that I stuck with it.

But that's the end of the good news as far as routines and habits are concerned. I have not been able to return with conviction to everything I did before the move.

The most obvious to you, the reader, is that I have not been able to stick with my daily blog. I'm not sure why that is. I did and do enjoy it. I get ideas every day. It is very easy going from my reading area - which is my Lazyboy in the living room - to my study where I blog. Now I admit that I do like to have at least one picture a day posted, but that can't be the only reason I am hesitant on returning to blogging.

Another habit is my walking. I have not been able to return to a steady walking routine. I will walk for maybe two days, then not walk for three, then walk again for a day, then two more days off; well, you get the picture.

I also ate five prunes each day before I moved. I considered it part of a healthy diet. I have stopped since I have moved. In this case, however, I think I know why. Before, I ate them in my loft while I sat in my Lazyboy reading. Now, I really don't want to leave them sit around in the living room. And for some reason I don't like a bag of them sitting on my desk; I tried that and it didn't work.

I'm hoping that by writing about this that it will get me motivated to return my old routines.

As for pictures, I am posting yesterday's lunch - a peanut butter and cucumber sandwich!

This was suggested by an Englishman who visited the Stonewall Jackson House a couple of weeks ago. For some reason, we got talking about sandwiches and he recommended it. Only he did say to use crunchy PB. I didn't have any and don't think it would have made much difference. I di put salt and pepper on it. I think the next time I will make the cuke circles twice as big - even more crunch!

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