Thursday, December 17, 2020

A Change of Policy

I've decided that it is time for me to lift the prohibition on my blog about not talking about politics. Since no one reads my blog anyhow (!), it doesn't really matter. I'm also lifting my self-imposed ban on discussing religion and faith.

One area that I have been interested in is Germany between the world wars, Nazism, Hitler, and the Holocaust. Denying the Holocaust is coming up again in the news these days because of the similarity of the denying of the recent past presidential election. Though the two subjects are linked with common thought processes, some other elements can be compared.

David Irving, the author of bestselling books on Churchill, Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, and Rommel, sued Deborah Lipstadt in an England court in January of 2000 for libel. Irving was denying that cremations did not take place at Auschwitz; in essence, denying the Holocaust ever took place. The Holocaust on Trial is the story of that trial.

In another book, I will investigate the minds and actions of common Germans concerning the Holocaust as well. Hitler's Willing Executioners is a comprehensive examination of this. 

At some time I hope to compare the atmosphere and environment in Germany back then with today's landscape here in America.

In other news, The Mouse in the House continues to move. I have found him in the kitchen near the stove as well as next to our bedroom door. I have also discovered he has a gray twin as well, but haven't been able to capture a picture of him yet.

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