Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Mind Wandering

The title represents what I have been doing this past week after Tuesday's book club meeting. Between settling down to choose my book for next year, thinking about posts for Facebook, to watching too much political theatre, I can't seem to settle on anything to read, post, or watch with regularity. I have decided on a stylistic photo to use when I don't have any for a particular post (remember, I told you that I don't like posts without a photo - sort of like a room without a window).

When I look at it I am reminded of the first Indiana Jones movie when he flies to Southeast Asia. It shows a drawing/photo of a Pacific Clipper Seaplane heading west over a map/globe. I am going to use this whenever I don't have any other specific pictures to use.

All this writing and I have not yet been able to settle on anything to write about. So it's lunchtime. I'll eat and get ready to venture out into COVID Land with my mask on for my annual eye doctor. 

Talk to you later. Stay safe. 😷

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