Saturday, September 5, 2020

Russia 1991 Again - Drinking Vodka

I've written about my 1991 trip to Russia before (3/6/18 and 3/22/18), but another remembrance seems to bubble up to the surface quite often recently. It's about vodka.

Before I went on the trip I was told to practice drinking shots of cold vodka because I would be doing it a lot over there. I knew Russians were famous for drinking, as well as producing, vodka. So I practiced for about two weeks.

The first time I still remember drinking multiple shots was at the family's home we visited (3/6/18). But the one I've been remembering recently was another highlight entirely. That evening I had decided to relax in my hostel room alone and relax. My student, Paul, had something else to do and I either was not required to go, or it was suggested I not go. Anyhow, I was on my own. But not for long.

About eight in the evening I heard - and felt - a very strong rapping on my door. Not knowing who it could be that would be knocking so hard, I quickly answered the door. When I opened it I was staring at a full-blown Russian Army Marshall and his major aide. Both were holding bottles of vodka and the aide had shot glasses.

The marshall was a retired, WW2 veteran who fought on the Eastern Front (of course) and was the conference head person. He knew I was a retired Army officer and a tank officer, which he was as well. He said, "We drink!" 

Fortunately, he knew enough English that we got along fine. We began to drink shots and telling war stories. About midnight, the major fell out of his chair and hit the floor. The general and I drank until about two in the morning when he departed.

He said that I was very impressive (in my drinking ability). Of course, he had to help his aide up and out the door, so he left the empty bottles with me. He also gave me a small medal that all the participants were receiving at the conference. 

It reads "To a veteran of the Great Patriotic War". Okay...

But he also gave me a set of Russian armor officer insignia.

Whenever I drink frozen vodka shots now, I remember that evening.

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