Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Voting Day 2018

Did you vote? I did.

Watching the news this morning, it was a record-setting off-year election from the standpoint of voters - 113 million. This was the largest ever recorded.

We went to a new voting site for us this year. It was in a nearby school. But we almost didn't make it. We followed Google Maps, but there was a road detour because of road work. So after following the detour, we finally made it to the school.

The school had lost power earlier in the day and was operating on generator power. The line was long. I timed it and it only took 22 minutes from entering to exiting. Not bad, but not as organized as down in Lexington where we used to vote.

After voting, we went out to The Cheese Shop to get some candy and try the new donut shop. Wife said they were good, but still not the cake donuts she is hunting for. The search will continue.

Last nite we spent catching up on TV shows we had recorded because of football games and other conflicts. Still have to watch a slew of Anthony Bourdain's final episodes.

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