Thursday, November 1, 2018

A New Month, A New Start?

Well, let's see if this month is better than last. It hasn't completely started out as well as it could of, but we'll see tomorrow. We got the Saturn back from a $600 service. But the GMC is still in the body shop because the paint is not completely dry. Supposedly, I am going to get it tomorrow morning first thing and return the rental. Then I have to get ready for my afternoon SJH shift.

In the midst of all of the car shenanigans today, I had two doctor appointments. Can you figure one of them out?

The podiatrist yes. And the dermatologist this morning.

My goal is to write something every day, however short or silly. Just write to get back into the habit. Hopefully, it will improve. For tonite, this appears the best I can do. Sorry.

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