Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wistful Wednesdays - High School Summer Drum "Practice"

Driving into town yesterday, I glanced up at back the military academy sitting high atop a steep precipice.  It reminded me of the summer days of high school when we would have band practice getting ready for the coming year, but especially the football season.

Trinity High School in Washington, PA, underwent a tremendous renovation after I left in 1962.  It looked like the picture when I was there.  They have kept it, but expanded and modernized it to the left and rear of the main building.  Back then, during breaks in the daily practices, the drum section would sneak behind Old Main, take bad drumheads - all snare heads then since we didn't have all of the other fancy drums the kids have nowadays - and take turns "frisbeeing" them down over the hill.  We only used the bad ones, but I sometimes think we had very strict standards on what was a good drumhead.  It had evidently been a tradition before I got there. Never asked my brother if the tradition continued after I left.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I knew about that. No one told me when I got into the band. It must have stopped right after you graduated
