Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cooking Adventures #1

Since the Wife is working part-time, 3-5 days a week, and doesn't get home in the evenings until about 7:30, and since I am retired, I have become the chef so-to-speak.  I try to stay with simple pastas and things I can bake in the oven.  It makes preparing and cleaning easier.  Yesterday I ventured a little off the lesson plan.  We were hunting for a good white bean chili.  Admittedly, the first one we tried a couple of weeks ago was not a winner.  The ground chicken was probably the reason.  It tasted gummy.  The texture was just plain bad.

 So yesterday I tried a shredded chicken from Cook's Magazine from years ago.  It was very good.  Not hot at all considering it had seven peppers of jalapeno, Anaheim, and poblamo varieties.  The only bad thing was I spent from 1130 in the morning until 5:30 in the late afternoon in the kitchen cooking, cutting, food processing, chopping, measuring, and cleaning.  We agreed that it will take less time the next time, but for right now I am happy to eat chili leftovers tonite.

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