Tuesday, March 9, 2021

An Old Friend - Running Shoes

 Recently I came across a photo of my old Brooks running shoes I bought in 2012. I actually used them for walking.

I thought I'd take a photo of them now and show the amount of weathering on them.

While I tried to place them in relatively the same positions - we were living in Lexington in the first photo and the floors were different - something still seemed different. It didn't take long for me to notice what it was. The soles were different colors!

Once I realized that I knew what must have happened. There was another pair between these. The second photo, my current pair, must be the third pair. Still, not bad for nine years. The model, barely readable, is GTS-1S. I'll have to see if they still carry the model.

Here is a closeup of the present pair where you can see a hole in the toe of the left shoe and the wear on the sole of the right. But they still have good cushioning. 

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