Sunday, March 21, 2021

A Reading Challenge

It's almost the end of the month and there will be nine reading months left in the year. Trying to decide on what classics to read has been a chore for some time. So I have decided to make it a little easier. I am going to choose 10 authors I have either not read or if I have read them it has been so long I can't remember what I read of them.

Why ten authors, not nine, so each could have their own month? Because that would be too easy. This is more of a challenge. I have a couple more limitations/rules, but first, here are the authors in no particular order:
  1. Jane Austen
  2. George Orwell
  3. Anthony Trollope
  4. Sherwin Anderson
  5. George Elliot
  6. Charles Dickens
  7. J.R.R. Tolkien
  8. Thomas Hardy
  9. Aldous Huxley
  10. (TBA later)
Looking at the list I see that male authors greatly outnumber female writers. Even if I chose a woman writer as my tenth choice, it won't make much of a difference. So be it.

Any other rules or limitations on the title selections? I don't think so at this time, but that may change.

How will I update the list? I will enter an update in a future blog post and include the label "Reading Challenge" with any others for that post. 


  1. It's a nice challenge but I particularly like the globe in your picture.

  2. It cost about 12 dollars at Target. One of several.
