Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Visit to the Outside World

 Two weeks ago today I received my second vaccine shot. I decided to go my wife to her annual breast exam. I couldn't go in - no one was allowed in except the patient -because of the COVID restrictions. That's okay, I read and napped in the car.

Then we went to Wegman's. Terrific grocery store. I hadn't been in a year. In fact, I hadn't been anywhere except to a doctor's office in a year. I only went in initially to get a few things and then gave them to my wife. Then I went back to the car and read and napped. I did use the restroom since we were allowed here. How do you know I went out?

I picked my sushi and sent a picture to my wife. She bought it when she checked out. I'm having it for dinner this evening, along with tilapia and shrimp. 

Next adventure - going out to get my haircut. Felt funny.

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