Saturday, July 11, 2020

Movie Nights

Since COVID has taken over the world of TV watching along with everything else, we have taken to spending evenings either reading or watching movies. Most of the movies are from our collection -over 500 - but some are from TV and we tape them for watching later.

Last evening was movie-watching time. My wife gave me five to chose from - a common way of deciding what to watch except sometimes I select the candidates and she chooses. Anyhow, I chose a James Garner and Doris Day film, The Thrill of It All,  made in 1963.

It was a light-hearted movie. Just the thing for these times. About a baby doctor (Garner) whose wife (Day) becomes a spokesperson for a soap she uses. It is about how the family life is disrupted and changed when she goes to work and the husband has trouble adjusting. 

I had never seen it before. I should add that their two small children steal the film every time they are on - especially the boy. One of the best parts is in the beginning when Dad calls home and Mom, who washing the girl's hair, tells the boy to answer the phone.

A feel-good movie for sure. (It made up for watching the 4th Bourne movie I chose and we watched it earlier in the week. If you haven't seen it, take a pass on it.)

I want to watch a western next.

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