Saturday, June 29, 2019

Marty Again

I was in the grocery store again recently and was not really paying attention to anything really except what I had on my list. Anyhow, I see something out of the corner of my eye while at the same time I hear this shuffling sound. I look up and to my left and what do I see?


Sure enough, it was him again. And this time I swear he had larger eyes. I looked back at my earlier post and while it seems like they are larger, I'm not sure he really had eyes before. 

You decide.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

More Books

I've picked up several new books over the past few weeks, thanks to Father's Day Barnes and Noble gift cards, but I will talk about them in a few later posts. Today I want to show you the easiest kind to store and read.

A good friend of ours went to Europe recently and bought this when she was in Venice. It's really just a pillow sham. We filled it with foam when she gave it to us. She had helped us move in and knew where our books were.

It seems to be very much at home there!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


I had to cancel the monthly book club meeting this afternoon. Too many members were emailing me these past two days telling me that they hadn't read the book and weren't coming, or were coming but didn't read the book (and wanted to listen to the discussion), or just didn't answer my email.

After I cancel it I get an email from one person who didn't respond earlier. He is upset because I canceled it, and he DID read it and was coming. His reason for not answering - he didn't look at his email. I can't win.

I have a plan for us to revisit this book. It is a very good one, just that it is very long. But I told everyone that months ago and to plan accordingly. 

Nuff said! I will write more tomorrow.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Looking Back

It's June. Last year, I stopped my (almost) daily blogging on June 11. We were getting ready to move in early July. I had posted 116 blogs that year by then. Since then, I have only posted a total of 39 blogs, 16 for the remainder of 2018, and 23 this year. Not very impressive is it? And there is no real good reason I stopped.

My study is much closer than before when I actually had to walk up to my loft to work at my desk or read. Now I am about 20 steps from my living room chair to my desk chair. I certainly have no reason to blame location.

I have ample subject matter if for no other reason that I am in a new environment and so many things are different.

I can only blame motivation. I am going to correct that beginning today. Good luck to me!

P.S. - And another thing -- I will attempt to write longer when I do blog.


Sunday, June 2, 2019


I know 1984 and 2001 have already past, but I think we might be getting closer to Hal than you think. I was in the local Martin's grocery store the other day. I kept hearing this person's voice saying things like "spill in aisle 8", and "floor mess in aisle 12" (at least it sounded like "mess"). Anyhow, I was walking through the produce section and all of a sudden I looked up - I was looking for Vidalia onions - and saw this giant Pez dispenser on wheels coming right at me!

I didn't know what it was, but my wife had apparently met him before. He roams the aisles and everywhere and calls out where spills and other messes are found. He doesn't clean up the mess; he just yells it out and keeps moving.

My wife says he won't run into you, but he looked like he wasn't stopping for me. Finally, he turned. That's when I saw someone had put a paper nametag on him. It said "Marty".