Sunday, April 7, 2019

Freddie, or is it Freddy?

Our cat, Allie, has a stuffed toy that looks like a square bear with a large black tail. At least I think it is a bear. Whatever it is, I named it Freddy a while ago. I named it in honor of a small rat/mouse toy a previous cat named Max had. You can see him (or her) in this Prisma photo at the bottom on the floor.

Anyhow, Freddie (or Freddy if it is female - we don't know) gets moved quite often during the night when Allie decides to play with it. Usually, it gets moved only a short distance along the living room floor. But sometimes it gets to go on a longer trip. Here, it got to travel into my study.

A few times it has even been able to travel upwards to Allie's sleeping areas in the living room. Here the bear made it to Allie's favorite chair and sleeping spot.

If you look closely, you can see its nose and eyes. Usually, when we find Freddy in the morning, it is always lying face down, execution-style you might say.

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