Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Restart of Sorts - Smokey

I've been wanting to restart the blog for sometime, but one thing or another always seemed to interrupt my best intentions.  In fact, I began with the restart title a few days ago, but still couldn't write.  Today is different.  Not that I will finish it - more like introducing the topic and will come back to it more and more in the days to come when I have some time for more reflection.

This morning we lost Smokey, our 16-year old Russian Blue cat.  He was the last of three rescue cats we adopted in 1999.  He made the trip in 2010 with us from Pennsylvania by himself; Sherman and Max having died within 4 months of each other just before we moved.  He adjusted well, though I know he missed his buddies.  For about the last 18 months, he was deaf.  He adjusted well, but a cancer tumor began to grow behind his right eye, eventaully causing him to lose his eyesight in the eye.  It also affected his right side of his nose and he would constantly have nasally sounds when he breathed.  But through it all, he talked and talked and sat on Wife's lap and laid his head on my arm each night when he crawled up in bed with us, before spending the rest of the night at our feet.

Today, after not coming to bed last night with us for the first time, and not wanting to sit in laps, we knew it was time.  We had a vet come to the house.  She was kind, considerate, and I know Smokey preferred to be at home.  He never liked to go to the vet's.  Can't write anymore today; will write again when things settle.  Smokey - thanks for so many great years, Little Buddy!   

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