Sunday, December 1, 2024

Varia Revisted

 We are now approaching the end of another calendar year. Many things have either happened or changed that are blog-worthy. But not all will get an opportunity to take the stage today, but hopefully, they will get their chance. And another thing - I won't be writing about things in order of importance, but more likely what is on the top of my mind.

On the book club front, several things have happened. Remember that book I told you about? I mentioned in the previous post. I could stand it. I could never get past page 50. Well, the person who chose the book came online two days before the Zoom meeting and said he didn't remember the book being so terrible when he last read it 25 years ago! That's right, in 1999! Anyway, a consensus was quickly reached and the meeting was canceled until last Wednesday. My book was the topic: Die Around Sundown by Mark Pryor. Before we left our "Reply All" email, however, I asked everyone whether we should have it on the scheduled date - Thanksgiving Eve, if you will. Everyone said it would be fine.

Anyhow, fast forward to this past week, again two days before meeting, One person said she had to cook a very large turkey dinner for relatives; another said she was traveling but would carry her laptop with her. Two other hinted at conflicts with giving details. 

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